Guide to a DevOps platform migration

To succeed, companies must quickly and efficiently turn a vision into software. To do that, they’ve turned to DevOps tools. That, though, hasn’t been the complete answer they needed. Actually, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) DevOps – cobbling together different tools in a complex and confusing toolchain – has been slowing down deployment and the business it fuels. That’s why IT leaders are realizing it’s time to migrate from a seat-of-your-pants system to an end-to-end DevOps platform that is simpler and more efficient. A single application eliminates the costly tangle of disparate tools, breaks down silos, builds security in from the beginning, and speeds strategic vision into working software.

Download this eBook to learn more about:

  • Benefits of a single DevOps platform
  • First steps to beginning a migration
  • Migration challenges and solutions

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